Collection of Iraq Updates
IED Protection for Iraq
The Pentagon is looking to procure some 4100 vehicles designed to be resistant to mines and IED's which will be used to replace many unprotected vehicles already in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Baghdad is Key
National Security Advisor to the President, Stephen J. Hadley, writes in an informative article at the Washington Post that the key to securing Iraq is securing Baghdad. The article also discusses some of the details of the President's new strategy in Iraq.
Historic Iraqi Security Agreement Between Al Sadr and Sunnis
Gateway Pundit points to an article at the Aswat Al-Iraq ("Voices of Iraq"- VOI) news site that indicates that Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq are working together to increase security conditions in the country.
Bush warns Iran over Iraq 'interference'
President Bush says, "If Iran escalates its military action in Iraq to the detriment of our troops and/or innocent Iraqi people, we will respond firmly."
Iran Shot An Arrow...
Investor's Business Daily reports that that Iran is seeking to convert it's longest range missile into a satellite launching device. The problem is, once Iran has this technology they would be able to build an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) capable of placing warheads anywhere in the world.
Tehran's Declaration of War
In another article, Investor's Business Daily discusses how Iran is positioning itself to take over in Iraq should the U.S. leave.
Iran in an Apocalyptic Mood
Ynet is carrying an article saying that mutual assured destruction through nuclear war or otherwise is actually "an incentive, not a deterrent" to Iran.
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