Monday, June 13, 2005


"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved." -Helen Keller

I have learned that life is a series of decisions and a collection of consequences. Whether the decision is a small one like hitting the snooze button another time or whether it is a large one like deciding to accept a new job in another state there are consequences for those decisions. Each day I am faced with new decisions to make while I live out the consequences of the decisions I have already made.

If I make good decisions, the consequences should always be positive; hopefully not only for me but for those around me. If I make bad decisions then I can expect to struggle through some unpleasant consequences. And I may not be the only one involved.

The struggles I now face are a result of decisions I have made at some point in time - some of them very recent and some of them from many years ago. It is how I choose to react to and reason through the decisions now before me that will dictate the consequences I have yet to face. It is my experience of living through a lifetime of consequences that I have grown and matured into who I am.

It is now, in my darkest moments that my character is made - and exhibited.

It is decisions like those I've made this evening that will decide the consequences I will face in the months and years to come. It is my character that tells me those decisions were the right ones even before the consequences come.


"A man's character is his fate." -Heraclitus